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Acknowledgement for Margaret BARR (McNeil)

Wishaw | Published in: Wishaw Press.

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MargaretBARRThe family of Margaret Barr would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for the many lovely cards, beautiful flowers and kind messages of condolence which have brought them much needed comfort at this sad time. Kay and Hamilton are also very grateful for all the wonderful support and help they have received following the sad loss of their mum on 28th March 2024. Special thanks to Bronwyn Tomney from G. McAllister Funeral Directors, Wishaw for her professionalism, compassion, care and efficient service and to Lesley Johnston, humanist celebrant, for her warm and sincere ceremony. A special thank you also to Orchard Medical Centre, in particular Doctors Barr, Calder and Mishra, the Hospital at Home Team from University Hospital Wishaw and the District Nurses. Thank you to everyone for attending our mum's funeral and for the charitable donations received in support of the Salvation Army.
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2398 visitors
Published: 23/04/2024
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