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The obituary notice of Elizabeth HUGHES

Llanbedr-Dyffryn-Clwyd | Published in: Daily Post. Notable areas: Boduan

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ElizabethHUGHES8 Rhagfyr, 2024

Bu farw Elizabeth (Liz i bawb) yn dawel yn ei chwsg yn 87 oed yng Nghartref Nyrsio Y Bwthyn, Yr Wyddgrug.

Yn wreiddiol o ardal Boduan, bu yn hapus am bron i 50 mlynedd yn Haulfryn, Llanbedr DC. Modryb annwyl a ffrind da i lawer. Cyn-bennaeth cerdd weithgar a dawnus yn Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy ac Ysgol Maes Garmon.

Cafodd ddylanwad ar nifer fawr o ddisgyblion fel arweinydd y gerddorfa, cyfeilyddes y sioeau a chynyrchiadau ysgol, hyfforddwraig eitemau Eisteddfodol, meistres defodau cerddorol, gwasanaethau a chyngherddau. Bu'n athrawes pwnc arloesol gan ddod â chanu cyfrwng Cymraeg i blant ail-iaith ac i dorfeydd o blant na fyddent erioed wedi meistroli'r grefft o siarad Cymraeg heb ei chyfraniad a'i dawn i gynnig y Gymraeg ar gân. Wedi ymddeol bu yn cyfeilio, arwain corau a gwirfoddoli gyda Cyngor ar Bopeth.

Bydd gwasanaeth i gofio am Liz yn Amlosgfa Llanelwy ddydd Mawrth, Ionawr 14 am 11 y bore.

Blodau'r teulu yn unig ond derbynnir rhoddion yn ddiolchgar er cof tuag at Asthma & Lung UK.

* * * * *

HUGHES Elizabeth

8 December 2024

Elizabeth (Liz to many) died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 87 in The Cottage Nursing Home, Mold.

Originally from the Boduan area, she was happy for almost 50 years at Haulfryn, Llanbedr DC. A beloved aunt and good friend to many. A hard-working and talented former head of music at Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy and Ysgol Maes Garmon.

She influenced a large number of pupils as the conductor of the orchestra, the accompanist of the shows and school productions, the rehearsing of Eisteddfod items, the mistress of musical rituals, assemblies and concerts. She was an innovative subject teacher bringing Welsh-medium singing to second-language children and to crowds of children who would never have mastered the art of speaking Welsh without her contribution and talent to offer the Welsh language through music. After retirement she continued as an accompanist, conducted choirs and volunteered with Citizens Advice.

A service will be held at St Asaph Crematorium on Tuesday, January 14 at 11am.

Family flowers only but donations gratefully received if desired towards Asthma & Lung UK.

Arrangements by Dowell Brothers Funeral Directors of Ruthin
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Published: 14/12/2024
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Thank you from
Asthma And Lung Uk
For all the donations given
Donation left by Gerallt huw Jenkins
My fondest memory of Liz is a wonderfully white Christ at her house in Wales. Snowed in, G&T’s flowing and a delicious Christmas feast. She was a great cook, very welcoming and hospitable. As an antipodean, this was a special experience and a memory I shall cherish. Rest in peace, dear Liz.

Robyn Hughes
Robyn Hughes
My fondest memory of Liz is a wonderfully white Christmas at her house in Wales. Snowed in, G&T’s flowing and a delicious Christmas feast. She was a great cook, very welcoming and hospitable. As an antipodean, this was a special experience and is a lovely memory for me. I shall raise a glass in your honour, dear Liz.

Robyn xx
Robyn Hughes
We remember our happy visits to the meal+opera at Llandudno. You are missed dear Liz
Donation left by Chris+ Barbara Roberts+ Luxton
What a wonderful character Liz was! Supremely talented and knowledgeable, genuinely positive and endlessly encouraging about all our various projects throughout the years. She had a gentle sense of humour and was extremely generous and welcoming, regularly cooking us up fabulous ~ legendary! ~ Christmas dinners when we stayed with her on our way up to Scotland in the camper-van. She was ahead of the curve environmentally with her tree planting, her wild flower meadow and solar power. She was enthusiastically supportive and encouraging about everything we did, most recently about our Offa's Dyke Path walk from Chepstow to Prestatyn; we aim to complete the last leg in her memory in the spring.
Lyn Gibb
I was very fortunate to have an Aunty like Liz. I always felt privileged to spend time with her as she made every moment spent with her feel special. It was her genuine thoughtfulness and charm, and her willingness to listen, and her deep interest in anything you might me doing.

I will cherish memories of many school holidays and Christmas trips to North Wales spending time at her beautiful homes, especially the house in Betws-y-Coed. She always took me on exciting adventures around North Wales with every trip planned with a bit of magic. Robyn remembers trips in the dark of night ploughing through winter snow to get to an enchanted Castle with large glasses of red wine and a hearty meal as the prize. Even my boys on visits from Australia recount how she put so much effort in taking them on site seeing tours of Wales. She was very proud to be Welsh. My boys talk about their Welsh heritage probably because of Liz.

I have fond memories of listening and watching Liz, mum, and Madren talking in Welsh and laughing together, drinking wine and whisky with Uncle Jimmy adding to the laughter. Liz always had a way of making everything feel magical, whether we were out exploring the hills or simply chatting over a cup of tea and a sandwich watching TV.

Back in the day Mum used to remind me that Liz was a schoolteacher and that I should be on my best behaviour. Sometimes I felt like the naughty kid coming up from London. I needn’t have worried as Liz had the natural ability to make people feel at ease. Her deep interest in the lives of others that set her apart.

......I will miss my Aunty Liz dearly. No longer will she be on the end of a phone call away from Australia. Love Kemal.
Kemal Hughes
Roedd fy mhriod Teresa yn astudio cerddoriaeth at Lefel A pan oedd yn ddisgybl yn Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy, Llanrwst yn y saithdegau. Llwyddodd i basio arholiad Lefel A yn haf 1974. Mae'n hynod ddiolchar i Lis Hughes gan bod cerddoriaeth wedi bod yn gaffaeliad yn ei gyrfa fel athrawes ac fel cyfeilydd mewn ysgolion, capeli ac ati yn ystod ei gyrfa ac hyd heddiw. Diolch a Cwsg Mewn Hedd Lis.
Eifion Wynne
Diolch I chi, Liz Hughes am eich amynedd a'r gefnogaeth ar hyd y blynyddoedd o wersi piano. X
Lowri Ffrancon Phillips
The most kind & thoughtful person I’ve met, they don’t make them like that anymore! Gave much love & kindness to my children from a distance which was very touching, even after all those years of being a child and receiving her kind cards/gifts.

A pleasure to have known such a wonderful kind person throughout life. Rest in peace Auntie Liz. X
Jamie Shirley