We are Powell Funeral Directors in Ware. We understand how important it is to get things right when it comes to saying farewell to those we love, so we endeavour to meet any requests you may have.
Being trusted with your loved one's funeral arrangements is not something we take lightly; we will take care of everything for you, conducting every detail with uncompromising kindness and professionalism.
We are here to talk 24 hours a day, so whenever you need us, we will always be able to help you.
Our Simple funeral is available for £1,995 + third party costs, without compromising on the quality of the service that is delivered. Or our Full Service funeral can be tailored just how you wish, whether that be a traditional ceremony or a colourful celebration of life.
Call us today on 01920 897670 to talk through your personal requirements.
- Advice and guidance at every step, including registering the death
- Arrangements that are tailored to meet your family's needs
- Local expertise and knowledge
- Cremation or burial at any local crematorium or burial site
- Funeral services of all faiths and cultures
- Viewing of the deceased in the chapel of rest