Mark Shaw Funeral Services is Aberdeen's longest established Independent funeral directors serving Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. Opened in 2004 by Mark Shaw, the firm's reputation has grown steadily by providing the highest levels of service to the bereaved and their loved ones. Our aim is to help make each funeral special for you, your family and friends. A funeral should be a unique tribute to the life of the person who has died, while providing support and comfort to all relatives and friends. For some families, this will mean following traditional funeral ceremonies, for others, a more contemporary arrangement is suitable and we are happy to discuss all options for the funeral.
Every funeral, however modest or elaborate, will be directed with our fullest attention to detail from the time of your first call, until after the ceremony. We will provide full support to the family of the deceased. We have all relevant contacts with local authorities, churches, clergy, humanists, hospitals, procurators fiscal, doctors, police, hotels, florists, AV suppliers and other agencies that may be involved at a time of bereavement and we will liaise with them on your behalf. We can assure you that you will be treated with the utmost care and consideration at all times.
- Cremation and burial services
- Coffins and caskets
- Private chapel of rest