Caerphilly Based Independent Family Funeral Directors
Since August 2000, Christopher has helped many families in their time of need, supporting and guiding families during their difficult time. Christopher Grew up in Senghenydd, and has lived in many parts of Caerphilly all his life. Being a local person, Christopher is familiar with local areas and traditions, and being local he is known by many people, which is a comfort in their time of need. Christopher is a fully qualified Funeral Director, he started his studies in 2017 and after 3 years he was awarded the Diploma In Funeral Directing (Dip.FD) which is the highest award in the Funeral Industry, prescribed by the National Association Of Funeral Directors (NAFD). Christopher took his studies, so that each family he is entrusted with, has the re-assurance they are dealing with a qualified person and also are given accurate up to date advice, also he is able to help families with the policies and procedures that are in place, such as Coroner Procedures, Inquests, Registrars, Repatriation and everything that is required in a loved one’s passing.