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In Memoriam for Neil WEBBER

Swansea | Published in: South Wales Evening Post.

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NeilWEBBERIn loving memory of my brother, 1969 - 2012. They say that times a healer, but I can say that's so not true, if I could have saved you Neil, I would have given anything for you. That night will haunt me forever, finding you like that, why would God want to take you when you were only 42. Although I'm broken hearted, there's one thing that helps me through, and that is Mammy she would have been waiting there for you. Mam couch him and cuddle him and mend him too and tell him I love him and miss him too. There is no love like a mothers love and Neil you have all that now, because you're back home and have Mammy with you. Until that day comes and we're together again, look after each other to get us through all this pain. Your broken hearted sister Sandra X Our love always Sandra, Julian, Natalie, Jodie and Lucie xxxxx
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1264 visitors
Published: 05/02/2013
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Well another year nearly over and another year of missing you. Hope you have a ball up their with mammy & daddy. I miss you so much boy but please help Nicola get through this terrible time, tell God she is too young to leave this earth.
All my love always your sister Sandra ❤️
Sandra Williams
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Sandra Williams
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With love Neil, Sandra X
Happy new year Neil another one without you, i miss you so much and you will never know how much, love you always Sandra. XXX
Happy new yr Neil love Sandra
Candle 10
Happy new yr Neil love Sandra
Happy 50th birthday up there Neil, yr birthday has been a hard one for me. I've cried until I had no tears left in me, u should be here with us u where far to young and i will never get over losing u boy. U would always wind me up on a friday talking about death & I would say to u I'm not listening and u would laugh but little did I know it was going to happen. I hope u had a party up there with mammy, daddy & all the little ones, u loved kids so i bet yr spoiling them up there to. Hope u had yr Jim beam, strongbow & kfc boy.
My love always & forever Sandra XXXX
Sandra Williams
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Sandra Williams
Candle poppywreath
Love and miss you every day Neil and my heart breaks everyday, and it will until i see you again. My love always and forever love Sandra. XXXXX
Tribute photo for NEIL WEBBER
With Love Neil x x x x x
Denise Fisher
Tribute photo for NEIL WEBBER
With Love Neil x x x x x
Denise Fisher