WynEDWARDSDymunwn fel teulu y diweddar Wyn Edwards Bodanwydog, Llandegla ddiolch am bob arwydd o gydymdeimlad a charedigrwydd a ddangoswyd i ni yn ein profediagaeth o golli gŵr, tad, tad yng nghyfraith, taid a brawd arbennig iawn. Diolch i'r Parchedig Morris Puw Morris am ei wasanaeth cysurlawn ddydd yr angladd, i'r organydd Tegla Jones a Prysor Williams am arwain y gân. Diolch i Peredur Roberts am ei gefnogaeth a'i drefniadau trylwyr ac i Mairwena Mosford am baratoi'r lluniaeth. Gwerthfawrogwn yn fawr y rhoddion hael a dderbyniwyd tuag at Prostate Cymru ac RABI.
Diolch o galon i chi gyd.
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Acknowledgments As the family of the late Wyn Edwards, Bodanwydog, Llandegla. We wish to thank you for every sign of sympathy and kindness shown to us in our bereavement of losing a very special husband, father, father-in-law, grandfather and brother. We sincerely thank the Reverend Morris Puw Morris for his comforting service on the day of the funeral, to the organist Tegla Jones and precentor Prysor Williams. Many thanks to Peredur Roberts for his support and thorough arrangements and to Mairwena for preparing the refreshments. We greatly appreciate the generous donations received towards Prostate Cymru and RABI.
A heartfelt thank you to you all
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