Over the past few years mass studies have shown that creative therapies including arts and crafts have been hugely beneficial in treating mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD and anorexia. Being creative is good for our mental well being.
Craft courses have been prescribed to patients since the dawn of occupational therapy in the late 19th century, with basketry used to relieve anxiety and physical ailments in soldiers during the first world war. But why is it so good for us?
Crafting at home promotes relaxation, which can help ease levels of stress and anxiety. Stress can also be reduced by the rhythmic, repetitive motions required of some crafts, such as knitting and crocheting.
Engaging in a creative activity involves being mindful and fully present in the moment, not worrying about the past or the future. Being mindful can prompt appreciation and awareness, and disrupt negative thoughts and feelings.
While creating with others can be energising and help to strengthen bonds, crafting alone also has its benefits. Crafting can offer a quiet, restorative time for self-reflection and self-discovery.
Crafting can be a gift to yourself and to others. Using or displaying something you’ve made can give you a sense of accomplishment and boost self-esteem. Making for others can be a wonderful rewarding gift for both parties. Just creating something simple like a card and giving it to someone can boost the feelings of both the giver and the recipient.
Touching and working with materials, such as clay and fabrics, can offer a tactile, self-soothing experience. Physically working with materials can also help release tension and anger in a healthy way.
Crafting can be an outlet for your feelings too. Collaging is a good example; cutting out words and pictures to use in a collage or decoupage project can help you name and understand your feelings, as well as express them. You can of course express your feelings through drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing and all other crafts too.
Overall, the benefits of being creative through craft are invaluable and can make a huge difference to our emotional health and general well being. So what are you waiting for? Find a creative hobby and get your happiness boost!
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