Online Obituaries
Most local newspapers will also publish their obituaries online, so check their websites to see if the death has been posted there. There are also websites dedicated to funeral notices that publish death announcements including funeral details. is the largest of these sites, and it publishes over 900 new death announcements every single week. Simply entering the deceased’s name into our easy to use search is a good place to start, or a search engine such as Google can also help you find their funeral details online.
Social Media
Social media allows us to easily keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances, no matter where they live in the world. Families often share funeral information on social media platforms such as Facebook, so it’s worth checking these. Local community groups or neighbourhood pages may also have information about upcoming services.
Funeral Directors
You can contact local funeral homes directly, who can provide the funeral details if you have the name of the deceased, as long as it isn’t against the family’s wishes. You can also check their websites for more information on upcoming funerals they are holding.
Religious and Community Centers
If the deceased was part of a religious community, their place of worship may have information about their funeral. Local community centres may also have information if the deceased was an active member.
Word of Mouth
Reach out to the family respectfully for funeral details, or mutual acquaintances who may have information about the service. The deceased’s neighbours can sometimes provide details, especially in close-knit communities.
Remember to be respectful and considerate when seeking this information, especially when dealing with grieving friends or family members. Approach with empathy, and if a family prefers to keep funeral details private, respect their wishes.
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