How to protect yourself and loved ones from measles
by Charlotte Regen
• Published 12/03/2024

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Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board
It's important to check whether you're fully vaccinated against measles
Cases of measles are currently on the rise in Leicester, so it's vital you do everything you can to keep yourself and your loved ones protected.
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (LLR ICB) is urging people to check their vaccination status and make sure they're up-to-date with both their doses.
Measles can have serious complications and, in some cases, can be fatal. Below is some guidance on how to check if you've been fully vaccinated, the signs and symptoms to look out for, and what to do if you suspect you or your child has measles.
There is also a porcine-free version of the vaccine available locally.
It's important to check your vaccination status to stay protected against measles. You can do this by looking in the red book you were given as a child, checking the NHS app or by contacting your GP practice.
If you haven't had the MMR (
Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine or had both doses, you can arrange to get up-to-date by checking if there are any pop-up clinics in your local area or by contacting your GP practice.
The vaccine is given in two doses, four weeks apart if you weren't vaccinated as a child. Routinely it's offered at 12 months old and then three years and four months old. Just so parents know that children are offered the MMR vacs when eligible. You will need to make sure you have had both doses of the vaccine to be fully protected. If you have had both doses, you will not need to be vaccinated again.
You can't have the MMR vaccine if you're pregnant, but if you're planning on becoming pregnant and need it, then you should arrange an appointment with your GP practice.

The MMR vaccine is offered at 12 months old and then three years and four months old (Image: Halfpoint Images/Getty Images)
Measles can often appear with cold-like symptoms before a rash develops. The signs and symptoms you need to look out for are:
- Aching and feeling generally unwell
- A blotchy red-brown rash, which usually appears after the initial symptoms. The rash will look different on lighter and darker skin tones
For more information and images to guide you,
click here.
The NHS advises that if you suspect that you or your child has measles, call NHS 111 or your GP practice for guidance, but do not go to the practice. Measles can spread easily to others, so protect yourself and your community.
You must call NHS 111 or your GP practice urgently especially if:
- You have been in close contact with someone who has measles and you're unvaccinated or have not had both doses
- You've been in close contact with someone who has measles and you're pregnant – measles can be serious in pregnancy
- You have a weakened immune system and think you have measles or have been in close contact with someone with measles
NHS guidelines say that it can help to:
- Rest and drink plenty of fluids, such as water, to avoid dehydration
- Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve a high temperature – do not give aspirin to children under 16 years
- Use cotton wool soaked in warm water to gently remove any crusts from your or your child's eyes

MMR vaccine, conceptual image (Image: DIGICOMPHOTO/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/ Getty Images)
Measles can lead to serious problems if it spreads to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or brain.
These problems are rare, but some people are more at risk, including babies and anyone with weakened immune systems.
Lifetime problems that measles can cause include:
- Death (from very rare long-term neurological disease)
Short-term complications can include:
For more information on measles and vaccinations, click here.
If you have any concerns about vaccinations or measles, speak to your GP.
*Statistics as of February 15, 2024: