Spring is a time for rebirth and new beginnings; the natural world begins to wake up again after a winter lying dormant, the days get longer and the weather warmer. What better time to practise self-care? Here are some self-care ideas for spring:
Go nature walking
Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and spend some time out in nature; flowers are blooming, trees are beginning to bud, birds are chirping.You don’t have to take up hiking and put a lot of time into it, just a walk around the block is enough to benefit you, and there is nature everywhere if you pay attention. Regular walks can benefit your mental health, as well as being a good form of exercise.

Eat outside
If you have outdoor seating, use it! Eating outside can make us feel closer to nature, as well as allowing us to absorb some much needed Vitamin D from the sun. If you don’t have anywhere to eat outside at home, then go to a cafe or restaurant with outdoor seating, or better still, take some food out with you and go for a picnic.
Spring cleaning
Spring is known as the time for cleaning, so take some time to clean your house. Try to de-clutter, organise your wardrobe, or even move your rooms around. The smallest thing can make a difference; you don’t realise how much a cluttered house affects you until you take the time to clear it.
Get out in your garden
If you already have a garden, take some time to tend to it and maintain it. Clear away any weeds that have crept in, tend to your plants, mow the grass. You could even add something new, like a herb or vegetable garden, or a pond. If you don’t already have a garden, why not plant one? You might find gardening to be your new favourite hobby, and spring is the perfect time to start.
Flowers are blooming everywhere at this time of year, so why not pick some to place around your home? This helps to bring the outside in, as well as helping to brighten your home and make you feel closer to nature.
Spring cooking
Meals in winter tend to be heavy, comfort food type recipes designed to warm us and get us through the cold weather and dark nights. Try some lighter recipes with spring produce to welcome the change in seasons as the weather gets warmer and the days longer.
Try something new
Spring is all about new beginnings, so why not try a new hobby, learn a new skill, or try a new form of exercise? You never know if you’ll like something until you try it, and even if you don’t end up pursuing it, you’ve still had that experience and know yourself a little better.
These ideas can help to blow out the cobwebs, metaphorically and literally, that winter can sometimes bring.
Thank you for reading.