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What Have we Got to Look Forward to in Summer

Published 12/04/2021
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It was on March 23rd last year the United Kingdom entered into its first Coronavirus lockdown, and since that day all of our lives have been turned upside down. It’s undoubtedly been a very difficult year for each and every one of us, but finally the finish line is in sight.

So then, assuming restrictions are fully removed in June as they are scheduled to, where on earth can we possibly start making up for all this lost time? In today’s blog, I’m going to look at some of the things we can look forward to in summer 2021, after the pandemic is (fingers crossed) in the rear-view mirror once and for all.

What do we have to look forward to in Summer 2021?

There’s so many things to look forward to once all restrictions are lifted that it’s very hard to know where to start. For most of us, the simple pleasure of being able to do what we want, when we want (within reason) will be a massive spirit booster. Never again will we take going to the seaside, to the cinema or to the pub for granted as we all did in the past.

Following that theme, being able to see however many people we want at a location of our choosing - something which seemed so normal in the past - will once again be new and exciting. Expect lots of get-togethers with family and friends as the sun comes out and restrictions melt away (pun intended).

For the lovebirds out there: weddings will be back to normal! No longer will the impossible task of cutting a guest list of 100 people down to 15 be a necessary evil; now you will be able to have your special day the way you’ve always wanted it. The more optimistic of us will also be thinking ahead to honeymoons: travelling the country or - dare we even day it - the globe on the trip of a lifetime.

And for sports fans there’ll be something for everyone, as the European Cup and Olympics - both originally scheduled for last summer - will take place this year, and what better way to spread some optimism for the future than an event featuring countries from around the world competing side-by-side.

So then, much to look forward to! If the vaccine rollout continues to be as much of a success as it has been up until this point, summer 2021 will be one to remember.

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