John Duckworth and family have been Funeral Directors for over 100 years, remaining a family business throughout. The company have an unrivaled reputation for providing an exceptional level of service, respect and dignity, which is often said to be in a class of its own.
The John Duckworth head office is situated on North Hylton Road, Sunderland. With additional branches in Southwick and South Shields. We also conduct funeral and serve families on a much wider geographical scale, to include repatriation and do so on a regular basis.
We are members of the British Institute of Funeral Directors, which is a society only open to qualified Funeral Directors. In fact, our Principal Funeral Director, Daniel Ackerley, is one of the few recipients in the country to receive the prestigious British Institute of Funeral Directors and National Association of Funeral Directors Scales Award.
The Duckworth name has been synonymous with the highest standard of funeral care for four generations. Yesterday’s traditions are integral to our service, whether it’s paging the cortege or the wearing of traditional funeral dress, we are proud to uphold the standards of generations passed whilst looking toward the future.