Easter Deadlines & Opening Hours 2021
The Easter break is almost upon us, can you believe it? Another lockdown Bank Holiday approaches, not once did we imagine last year that we would have a second Easter under a lockdown.
After a relentless start to the year, for some Easter is the first opportunity for a break in a long while. We know from how busy we are and from speaking with many of you that you've had a very busy first quarter of the year, everyone here at the funeral notices team is definitely ready for a break this Easter and we hope you get the chance for some time out too.
Our Easter deadlines remain unchanged this year, however there will be a slight change to our opening hours and means of contact. On Good Friday 2nd April and Easter Monday 5th April we will be available 09.00 - 17.00 to contact via email only on fdteam@funeral-notices.co.uk
We will have people working throughout the weekend to check notices and our online booking service is available 24/7
If you would like to book a notice whilst we are not open or need a notice online instantly, you can select 'upload immediately' on the date selection page of your booking. Your notice will be on funeral-notices.co.uk within 15 minutes ready for the family to share, add their loving tributes and make donations. If you wish a notice to appear online immediately and in the paper, the date selection will default to the next available publishing day for the print version and our dedicated team of scrutineers will make sure it is correct in time for the print deadline.
We are continuing to offer free online notices to Funeral Directors and of course these may be booked over the bank holiday weekend too.
You can find out more on how to book a free notice by reading our guide:
Online Only Notices - Advice for Funeral Directors.
As this week marks a year since lockdown began and we participate in the National Day of Reflection on Tuesday 23rd March; Funeral Directors, Arrangers and Team Members continue to be in our thoughts. Often the unsung heroes of the pandemic, we wish to extend our gratitude this and every week. Thank you for everything you continue to do with quiet, unassuming dignity.
We hope you are able to take some time to reflect on the last year and are able to take some kind of break over the Bank Holiday.
Thank you.
If you would like to speak with us about deadlines and opening hours, would like more information on funeral-notices.co.uk or would like to set up an account for your free online notices; please contact us below and an Account Manager will be in touch:
You can download our Easter Deadlines & Opening Hours here:
Easter Deadlines & Opening Hours 2021 Thank you for reading.
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